Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Two More Sleeps Till....!

Only two more sleeps till we leave for New Zealand. I have been gathering some hand stitching projects to work on in the next three weeks. I can say that I'm an experience traveler, having lived and worked in several countries before. We were in the United Arab Emirates for seven years before we returned to Australia. The Middle East is one of those areas that you need to leave in the summer otherwise you will toast. Each summer we would go on leave for seven weeks, so we did a lot of travelling in seven years. In those seven weeks I did a lot of hand stitching. I quilted, embroidered, hand piecing, usually creating something inspired by the places we were at. Travelling is always relate to my stitching and happy times.
This mini thimble quilt top is a perfect hand quilting project to take with me. It's not going to have a lot of quilting and I'm just going to free hand quilt it without a hoop. I learned that fromTanya and it's time for me to practice on this quilt. Don't forget the iPhone...!
Can't visit Japan without taking Sashiko stitching to work on. I have pre-drawn some Sashiko blocks on Japanese cotton background. And yes, must not forget the iPhone...!
Here are bits and pieces that I'm taking. The pre cut Klosjes blocks. Japanese fans, sewing pouch with a thread cutter, pencil roll with ruler, pencils and fountain pen. Why the iPhone?
We don't use package tour or guided tour. We booked everything ourselves. We always get a copy of DK guide book to assist us. DK is the best guide book ever (no affiliated). I always take a book to read in spare time LOL! Quilter's Holiday was my Christmas present that I haven't had time to read yet. The little Japanese concertina journal I made to keep all the memorabilia from the trip. It is fun to keep memorabilia.

I will tell you why the iPhone? This iPhone can speaks Japanese and I can't. It has maps of the cities we are visiting. It's a our tour guide! This is my first long trip since I started blogging. I'm so excited to share the experience with you all so please join me...!

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