Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Page 239 of 324

I'm sticking with it.

Late start after breakfast, and several phone calls from a girlfriend who this morning noticed a mass on her dog (Rottweiler). Dog wasn't able to stand up, and she got it into the Vette and called me on her way to veterinarian.

Get this .... she said "I can't call my husband, he's at work in Orlando. I can't call Theresa, she's at work. And I don't think Mike is up yet, so I'm calling you." So ... that makes me 4th choice. Thanks.

Anyway, she was quite upset as she was driving and I asked her if she's already called the vet to let them know she's coming. I mean, really, wouldn't that be the first call you'd make??? But, no, she hadn't.

She called me around 11:15. $450 for tests run today, and $1500-$2000 for surgery. On a 13-year old dog. You've got to be kidding me.

Plus I'm working my weekly badges in Pogo. Got 1 completed, almost at end of 2nd.

But I digress.

It's lunchtime now. I'll definitely finish the book sometime today. I'm glad I'm sticking with it.

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