Thursday, August 6, 2009

Long Time..

It's been a while i didn't update my blog. It has been almost 5 months I rush for my office peak period. Finally all my assignments during July and kept helping my seniors prepare the draft account, vouching and prepare the final account. But, filling in form c & r was the job I did the most.

Now is August. My manager has given us the new assignments. From August till March 2010. The assignments I have are 14 altogether. Assignments in December are the most. Now have to start calling the clients for the documents and accounts to come in. It will be a busy days again.

Haze in Miri is really a big matter. The weather here is hot and dry everyday. But, now the wind blow strongly. So, i think it may be raining tonight. Just hope that it will clear the haze away from bring back the bright sky.

Busy with my works is what can I say on my working lifestyle. Now I every night stay at home to regain the energy. Lazy to go out and seldom on msn and chat with others. Hope that all my friends are well and in good health. Take care everyone..

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